Small moving/shakey effect for a camera

Making a play screen and the camera (which is a part) is facing a forest, i wanna make a effect like where the player is holding a camera but is a bit shakey moving around a bit

Nice, good job.

If you are asking for help,

You can animate the part smoothly with Moon Animator 2 or just CFrame the part.
Make sure the camera is being RenderStepped to align with the part to follow the animation.

Didnt know you can animate parts, do i need to weld this to the player?

As you mentioned a ‘play screen’ I had assumed you meant a title screen. If that is the case, then there is no player involved. All you have to do is set Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom and then set the Camera.CFrame to be equal to Part.CFrame.

If you mean a player’s camera while they play, there’s countless videos online (even open source templates on the forum) that offer tutorials and help with getting the desired effect.

The desired effect which is basically a small shakey effect, is apparently on forums and only works with the humanoid offsets, OR is equal to a gun recoil

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