Small question: is a RemoteFunction more efficient than this?

This is sort of unimportant but it’s really just a question about lag. So when I first started my game I was sort of bad at scripting, and the way I play animations for my attacks is using an IntValue called “playAnim”. When the tool is activated the server script adds +1 to the playanim value and the localscript(Animate) detects this change and plays the animation. Was just wondering if I should replace this strange method to a BindableEvent? Would it reduce lag, or would it not make too much of a change?


It’s better in the sense it’s more standard to use a remote event. In terms of performance I doubt it matters. So if you want to make your tool more standard go for it, but you don’t need to fix what isn’t broken.

There could be a slight difference in latency, but I kind of doubt it. You would have to write something that tests both methods a ton and compare the times to test that. Both with high frequency updates and low frequency updates probably.

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