Small Ruin Showcase

I decided to be brave and face the criticism. This is a WIP build that has taken me a couple of hours to make. Keep in mind I’m not the greatest at building so don’t be too harsh.

I haven’t done anything to the terrain yet, but I’m thinking of turning it into a floating island.

I will probably continue working on this.


Tobhta - Roblox

The game will be more up to date than the pictures because I’ve altered a few things and changed the lighting.


you are good builder, THAT IS SO WELL MADE!
bro, my graphic card didnt like it… but that is insane amount of details!


Hello Developer,

First of all, thank you for reaching out to DevForum, as we try to provide feedback to as much developers as we can globally around the world.

The build looks extremely realistic and I love the graphics.

I have no additional comments or word of advice for you, because that showcase is basically as perfect as it could get.

Happy building!


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