Smaller Cylinders and Balls

The minimum size for spheres and cylinders is (1,1,1). I understand the whole deal with all the demensions being the same but I don’t understand why we can’t have smaller parts. Normal parts will get as small as (.2, .2, .2) and that’s pretty good for detailed builds. Can we get smaller cylinders and spheres?

IDK why you dont just use a mesh for that.

If you need the balls to roll and stay that size, you’re going to have a bad time. Just use 1,1,1 with a mesh.

Balls smaller than 1x1x1 act pretty badly under physical simulation. They have such low mass that they get shot all over the place at the touch of a feather. And if you don’t need accurate physical simulation then for sizes that small a square part is pretty much equivalent to a sphere, so I don’t see the need.

It would be nice if the arbitrary restriction was lifted, but I don’t think you’d find that it would actually work out well for what you were intending to use it for.

I do agree with above, physics would screw up and the balls probably blow through every wall.

One thing I really like to see is to individually resize each axis of a ball. Making cars can be such a pain with 3x3x3 wheels.

[quote] I do agree with above, physics would screw up and the balls probably blow through every wall.

One thing I really like to see is to individually resize each axis of a ball. Making cars can be such a pain with 3x3x3 wheels. [/quote]

When we soon® get CSG and later™ physics for CSG this wont be a problem :woohoo:

I just wanted to not have to deal meshes :frowning:

I’ve experimented with balls smaller than 1 and its just a lag fest.



its a lag fest

I’d imagine you could make csg versions (when is when it’s released) of those parts that would retain the material so that they blend with regular parts.

What Stravant is saying is that Roblox’s balls will never get any smaller.
