Smaller Icons in the Ribbon Bar

I love the new Ribbon Bar layout, but I understand that it’ll soon be the only option and a lot of people do not like it.

I think you could sway a lot of people’s opinions by just adding an option to make the icons in the bar a bit smaller. The entire bar takes up more space than SystemMenu’s top area did.

Screen real estate is valuable for development.

if you want you can:

  • open the folder containing RobloxStudioBeta.exe
  • open RobloxStudioRibbon.xml
  • ctrl + h (replace) and replace every ‘32’ in the document with the desired icon size
  • save and launch studio
    Unfortunately the down scaling isn’t pretty.
    You can also move bars around, rename stuff, and make tabs by editing this file.

“but I understand that it’ll soon be the only option”

“Soon” is an overstatement. There are no plans to force people to use it. In the other thread I was simply saying that eventually it will not be supported, because we aren’t going to support two versions forever.

[quote] if you want you can:

  • open the folder containing RobloxStudioBeta.exe
  • open RobloxStudioRibbon.xml
  • ctrl + h (replace) and replace every ‘32’ in the document with the desired icon size
  • save and launch studio
    Unfortunately the down scaling isn’t pretty.
    You can also move bars around, rename stuff, and make tabs by editing this file. [/quote]

I guess this did exactly what I asked, but wasn’t the result I desired. I’m looking to make the top navigation bar shorter, so I can see more of my game.

You could minimize the ribbon interface with the little ‘^’ button at the top right so that it’s only visible when you’re using it.