Smoke won't get smaller

Hello, so I am trying to make some smoke for a gun im making, and when trying to make some really small smoke, It doesn’t resize. When Iower the size in the properties it stays the same as the default size.

Use particle emitters instead. (30 characters)



Your opacity is on 0.5 and I think 1 is the highest so it’s on 50 % try to lower it to 0.1 or 0.05 or even less.

  • cheerful

Your smoke stacks up because it has almost no (1) RiseVelocity, by increasing this number your smoke will start to “rise” in the direction the front face of your object/part is facing.

While the default Smoke object is great for a basic smoke effect, I’d suggest using the ParticleEmitter object as it gives you more parameters and greater control over your particle’s behaviour and appearance.

See properties here:

For more information on ParticleEmitter, read this:

Good luck.