Im kinda new to the roblox engine And i want my game to have abilities that have smooth movement the issue is i cant get them to do that and im not sure how games like The strongest battlegrounds etc Do this
for example Abilities Like beatdown (metal bat)
I recently made a movement system that I think closely matches the smooth movement of battleground games.
I used BodyVelocity to move my character, but in order to make the movement relative to the direction you’re looking at, I did it through the localscript so I can access the player’s camera.
I then used RunService to constantly update the BodyVelocity to account for the changes in camera movement.
Yeah but my issue is How do i Make the Velocity Kind of “Animate” Like in the Strongest battlegrounds
apply linearvelocity or bodyvelocity to make the player lunge forward like that. as for the bat, you animate it. you have to time the animation and swing after the player has finished lunging forward
Yes but the speed varies its not the same speed
I have a working dash like this but it dosent fit
What do you mean by “it doesn’t fit”?
Like the movement dosent really match my goal its fitting for a normal dash im looking for more of a burst
Could you show me what your dash looks like in a gif or a video?
With the Beatdown Animations:
With normal Dash Animations:
I’m sorry but, I don’t really see any issue with your animations or dashing.
Maybe you want more explosive movement? Like really fast then slow down to a stop?
You can use tweenservice with an out curve (fast then slow) to make a more explosive dash
Soo i got the movement to be kinda smooth but im having an issue My animaiton contains keyframes for a hammer but when i add the hammer in the position and location that it was in the animation it dosent animate it im probably missing something just not sure what
make sure the hammer has a motor6d
I forgot about this post but i already fixed it
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