Smooth animated door help

Hey guys, I have made this simple animated open door:

But for me it`s too much simple. Any idea how can I make this more smooth?
Also here’s the script:

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To make this way easier and much smoother, try using TweenService. You can find any info you need on it in the API Reference: Here.

The way I like to go about this is:
Setting a primary part in a logical position in the door model [connecting it to the frame], and then welding the model to this part. You can then clone this part twice, move them out of the primary model, and name them Closed and Open or something along those lines and make them both transparent. Leave closed as it is, and rotate Open so that the door would swing on it as if it were a hinge.
Then, using TweenService, you can tween the door’s primary part and, provided you’ve welded it, the door model will follow.