What are you attempting to achieve?
I want to create custom “semi-realistic” characters for my game. At first I made one mesh for each character instead of separating it in different bodyparts (Ex:upperleg,lowerleg,foot) but I figured out I couldn’t use r15 animations on it and sticking armor parts would probably not be possible. So I tried to divide it in multiple parts but it ended up horrible, my character was looking disassembled. -
What is the issue?
I do not know how to make smooth bends between the different bodyparts. I use blender and I can also access Maya. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
– I tried selecting the two body parts and then going to edit mode to link them with faces but it doesn’t create anything between the two
– I tried to make some kind of spherical ends to body parts so it looks more smooth
– I investigated the doguR15 model (r15 with smooth bends):
I always been bad at explaining myself and I’m not native english, tell me if you don’t understand something