Smooth Projectile

Hi, i want to make a smooth projectile and i made something that always follow a part robloxapp-20220411-1851256 but its quickly laggy because i use BodyVelocity and BodyGyro
so if someone know how to make it more smoothly and with a Hit event or magnitude then answer me please.

What do you mean by laggy? in the video it looks smooth to me, regardless using cframe will have better performance improvements

yes but if i add alot of players it will be really laggy

Because the part is simulated with physics, that means it has a network owner; usually the network owner determines who calculates the parts and in a case with multiple players the network owner can change between them which will cause a “delay/jitterly” effect

You can read more here

If the server is the network owner of the part, this will most likely lead to more jittery looking results. This is because the server physics frame rate is slower than the clients, meaning that any physics simulated object will always look better on the client because it’s updated more frequently. Think of it in terms of fps, but instead of frames per second it’s the amount of time the physics is being calculated on the part.

Okay ty but then how do I check on the server side if the projectile is near from his target?

Basically, you would fire it on the client and the server, but making the server one invisible for clients.
Then whatever happens on the server one will be replicated on the client so it’ll look smoother