Smooth gives a touch of professionalism to your work, simple to use and dynamic.
You can do things like interpolation of meshes and parts of the model in a simpler and cleaner way. It is completely free to use plugin,
no need to give credits. But you can’t pass the module as yours.
Model interpolation will be added soon: Orientation, Color, Scale and custom collisions. Follow the devforum post for more information. Please be patient as this module/addon is being developed by one person. This is a test and early version.
This small addon was created in the short time of 2 days.
Normal Tweens
_tween() → With this you can tween (Position, Orientation, Scale…): parts, joints and meshes. he “p” represents the part or mesh, “tween_info” is the information(, “property” is the property you want to interpolate(Scale, Transparency, Position…), and “t_num” is the serial number of the tween (These numbers are stored in a table so you can unpause, delete and resume the tweens saved in the table whenever you want))
_stopTweenByNum() → With this you can stop/pause a _tween() stored in the table with the serial number. “t_num” is the number of the tween you want to pause, and “t_delay” is the waiting time assigned before being paused.
_playTweenByNum() → With this function we do the opposite of the previous one… since we resume it instead of pausing it. THIS ONLY WORKS IF THE SERIAL NUMBER “t_num” WAS CREATED WITH _tween() BEFORE.
Models Tweens
• The Models Tweens do not have a serial number (Temporarily), so it is not stored to pause or resume in any table
_tweenModelPosition() → This, as its name indicates, interpolates the current or next position of a model. “model” is the chosen MODEL, “tween_info” is the interpolation information (, and “pos” this variable represents the position you want to bring a model to.
_tweenModelTransparency() → This changes the transparency of the parts of the model. “model” the chosen model, “tween_info” the interpolation information, and “transparency” the desired transparency.
_clear() → This is used to empty the meta table that contains the tweens()
100% free for personal use
You can use it here: Smooth v1 - The best tween addon
A very small demonstration. Much higher quality work can be done, this was a demonstration done in 2 min:
•If you have any comments, recommendations or suggestions let me know here, Thx.