Hi I’m looking to create a smooth looking ZigZag effect; Ideally I want to travel from PointA to PointB smoothly & within an allocated time. Eg. 2 seconds, 1 second, 3 seconds and so forth.
I’m currently working with a rather “basic” layout and was wondering what I can do to allow for this change? Thank you!
local Model = script.Parent
local Point1 = Model:WaitForChild("Point1")
local Point2 = Model:WaitForChild("Point2")
local BaseRay = Instance.new("Part")
BaseRay.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Toothpaste")
BaseRay.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
BaseRay.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
BaseRay.Anchored = true
BaseRay.CanCollide = false
BaseRayMesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
BaseRayMesh.Name = "Mesh"
BaseRayMesh.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick
BaseRayMesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 1)
BaseRayMesh.Offset = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
BaseRayMesh.VertexColor = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
BaseRayMesh.Parent = BaseRay
function CreateRay(StartPoint, EndPoint)
local Vec = (EndPoint - StartPoint)
local Distance = Vec.magnitude
local Direction = Vec.unit
local PX = (StartPoint + (0.25 * Distance) * Direction)
local PY = (StartPoint + (0.5 * Distance) * Direction)
local PZ = (StartPoint + (0.75 * Distance) * Direction)
local DX = (StartPoint - PX).magnitude
local DY = (PX - PY).magnitude
local DZ = (PY - PZ).magnitude
local Limit = 2
local AX = (PX + Vector3.new(math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DX)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DX)))))
local AY = (PY + Vector3.new(math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DY)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DY)))))
local AZ = (PZ + Vector3.new(math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))),math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)),math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ))), math.random(math.max(-Limit, (-0.21 * DZ)), math.min(Limit, (0.21 * DZ)))))
local Rays = {
{Distance = (AX - StartPoint).magnitude, Direction = CFrame.new(StartPoint, AX)},
{Distance = (AY - AX).magnitude, Direction = CFrame.new(AX, AY)},
{Distance = (AZ - AY).magnitude, Direction = CFrame.new(AY, AZ)},
{Distance = (EndPoint - AZ).magnitude, Direction = CFrame.new(AZ, EndPoint)},
local th = 0.1
local Table = {}
for i, v in pairs(Rays) do
local Ray = BaseRay:Clone()
Ray.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright red")
Ray.Transparency = 0.7
table.insert(Table, Ray)
local Mesh = Ray.Mesh
Mesh.Scale = (Vector3.new(th, th, (v.Distance / 1)) * 5)
Ray.CFrame = (v.Direction * CFrame.new(0, 0, (-0.5 * v.Distance)))
task.wait(i / 25)
Ray.Parent = workspace
while true do wait()
CreateRay(Point1.Position, Point2.Position)