Hello everyone; I am currently having issues with ball delay. I am making a volleyball game and I have server and client ball. The server ball is transparent and is only meant for transferring information. When a player hits the client ball, it moves instantly on their screen, but on other players screen, it looks like the ball hits the ground first. I am wondering the best way to combat this. I’m guessing it would be detecting a sudden change in direction, but I’m not sure how I would do this properly while also knowing the info about the ball’s hit. Thank you in advance
i guess on each client, you could detect when the ball is close to a player, and then animate the ball on the client moving relative to the player, and then as the actual ball moves further away, slowly transition from the fake position to the actual server side position. idk how you would implement this tho
that wouldn’t work though because the ball only moves when the player clicks, so there would have to be knowledge that the ball was hit
yeah then the client could recieve that event that someone hit the ball, and animate on client and slowly transition to the actual server position idk
it couldnt recieve that event without the help of the server I think
Bump bump bump bumpppppppp bump bump
maybe set network owner of the ball to the player who hits it?
This is tough bro there will always be some lag and delay.
I don’t understand why would you put 2 balls instead of a single server sided ball with nil networkownership and playing around with the networkownership and remotefunctions to check the client to make it smooth for players.
There are many games that have this type of lag and they are doing fine, most people know that roblox is a laggy mess, they are just gonna ignore that the ball touched the ground and they actually will wait a second to confirm, happens on soccer games all the time.
That wouldn’t work because the server sided ball isn’t visible
Games like volleyball 4.2 manage to do it though
They are probably using my method
No they arent they have a server and a client ball
why dont you have the client ball be on the server but it justs for looks and you set the networkowner of it to whoevers hitting it
it would be very jittery due to switching of network ownership