Smoother Edges In Blender

So today I was modeling a sword and to make a smooth curve what I do is Loop Cut the face then dragging and rotating. but it gives the model a Low Poly look because I make like 8 loop cuts. and I’m not going to make 100 loop cuts and get them perfectly aligned just for one face. I’m trying to reach realism. If anyone has ideas or tips please help.

You should use Auto Smooth, to enable, click on the object and go to the Object Data Properties tab which looks like thisimage click the dropdown Nromals and click AutoSmooth on. You should play with the angle for your liking.

I’m sorry I don’t thin it worked I have it on 30 does it need to be higher?

Have you tried turning on proportional editing?

No I have not how would I do that?

In the viewport next to the snap tool is the proportional editing tab you can activate it by clicking it or pressing “o”. You can also change the falloff radius around your selection by scrolling your mouse wheel.