I used physics and cframe to see which would do better but so far nothing is smooth enough.
here’s what the part is supposed to do is…
flip to an assigned destination while maintaining a smooth jump and rotation
not bending over
not flipping over
not jerking
my script:
local function rotateBottle(plrBottle: MeshPart, duration : number)
local av = Instance.new("AngularVelocity")
av.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World
local spinRate = (2 * math.pi) / duration
av.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,spinRate)
av.MaxTorque = math.huge
av.Parent = plrBottle
av.Attachment0 = plrBottle.Attachment
av.Attachment0.Position = plrBottle.CenterOfMass
game.Debris:AddItem(av, duration)
should i keep using cframe or continue with physics.
with cframe ive experienced jerky movements
but physics has its drawback where i cant find a way to keep it straight up.
It’s like this but with spinning. Only problem is when the part spins it also carries the momentum with it- and if the edges of the part hit the baseplate…
If I understood correctly, then the problem when using physics is due to the network owner being switched mid flip and with CFrames due to latency. I would personally use CFrames, as they’re more performant and more reliable/preditcable. When using physics, roblox automatically sets the network ownership (aka who does the physics) to the client when the unanchored part gets close enough to the player. You can override this behaviour by calling Part:SetNetworkOwnership(player) to permanently keep it on the player (or to nil to permanently keep it on the server). If you’re using CFrames then afaik the best thing you can do is do all the flipping on the client, which would anyway be the best option.