Smoothly curved edges?

I’m trying to get something that looks like this chimney
I’ve tried with just a rectangle and cylinder together in a union but ended up with this

I’m not sure if I just haven’t lined them up correctly or if theres a simple solution but I’m dumb lol


By the looks of things, you haven’t lined then up correctly.

Probably, You’ve tried to do this?

This is how It ended up:

[I would recommend putting the ‘Move Studs’ to 0.05]


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Thanks! Had my studs on 0 lol. sorry for dumb post

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Make sure to always have snap to grid on, meaning simply having an increment instead of 0.
It’s essential to have on if you want your bricks be not only completely coplanar but to keep symmetry as well. Beware of having increments with decimals not equatable to the power of 2, it’ll possibly round them in position and cause offsets when moving the brick. (Please PM me if wrong)

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Make sure to use the Transform tool when aligning objects. You can generate a plane to place things on it!

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