Snaixo Staff Guidelines
- Grammar should be used all time within the hotel and our other games.
- You should not go AFK while being on duty, failure to comply with that rule will result in consequences.
- Disrespecting any staff members is heavily not tolerated.
- Abusal of the control room and/or system will result in a demotion.
- Farming points will result in a instant termination from your rank.
- Using the :change command without permission will result in a instant termination.
- Banning anyone without permission will result in a instant demotion.
Ranking up
Member → Trainee: You will become trainee when you have passed your application to become Moderator or Receptionist.
RT | Receptionist or MD | Moderator → AR | Administrator:
You can be promoted by a MS | Manager Supervisor+ to AR | Administrator if you have great activity and grammar.
TM | Trial Manager → MR | Manager: Great activity, grammar, and passing your Trial Management period is the way you become Manager.
MR | Manager → SM | Senior Manager: You can become SM | Senior Manager by being a manager for at least one month and having great grammar, activity, and being professional.
SM | Senior Manager → MS | Manager Supervisor: You can be hand picked by a BOE member or above to become MS | Manager Supervisor. But anyone can suggest a manager to become MS by opening a ticket. The common reasons are: Great grammar, activity, showing really good support towards Snaixo and being professional.
Any Rank → DV | Developer: To become a developer you should apply when positions are opened and then be approved by teddyHV11.
Rank limits
RT | Receptionist: Unlimited
MD | Moderator: 100
AR | Administrator: 50
TM | Trial Manager: 10
MR | Manager: 20
SM | Senior Manager: 15
MS | Manager Supervisor: 10
DV | Developer: 20
HD | Head Developer: 1
Legal Advisor: 2
BOE | Board Of Executives: 5
Example greeting at standard reception: Hello! Welcome to Snaixo Hotels, my name is . How can I help you?
Example greeting at the restaurant: Hello! Welcome to Snaixo Hotels’s Restaurant, my name is . How can I help you?
Example greeting at suites: Hello! Welcome Snaixo Hotels’s Suite Building, my name is . How can I help you?
Example greeting at bar: Hello! Welcome to Snaixo Hotels’s Bar, my name is . What can I get you?