Hi there,
I have a snap to grid system which works like this
local PlotOrigin = CFrame.new() * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(Vector3.new(0,1,0), PlayerGym.PlotRotation)
local Util = {}
local function round(x, m)
return math.floor((x/m) + .5) * m
function Util.SnapToGrid(position, increment, objectSize)
local relativePosition = PlotOrigin:vectorToObjectSpace(position)
local relativeSize = PlotOrigin:vectorToObjectSpace(objectSize)
local xOffset = (relativeSize.X/2) % increment
local zOffset = (relativeSize.Z/2) % increment
local newRelativePosition = Vector3.new(round(relativePosition.X, increment)+xOffset,
position.Y, round(relativePosition.Z, increment)+zOffset)
return PlotOrigin:vectorToWorldSpace(newRelativePosition)
And that works well, like this
The issue is when the player rejoins, the base they have is often different and so will be rotated differently. The parts are saved relative to the floor they’re placed on, meaning they’re moved from the grid.
The floor itself also changes size so I need a very flexible solution, not sure the best way to approach this problem. But basically everything should be in the same position relative to the front centre of the base part. Any help with this would be super appreciated