Snap to part feature?


It has been some time since I have been building on Roblox, but I noticed a feature (I think) called “Snap to part” which would snap a part when scaling to the edge of another part. But, I seem to have lost the option to enable this (or I am seriously crazy and going insane?).

Could anyone help on how to enable this setting, I could of sworn it was somewhere in the red box as shown in the image.


I think it was just enabled by default so there’s no checkbox.
Maybe look at your File > Studio Beta Settings to see if you have it enabled as well.

Are your Parts not snapping to the corners of the other part you’re placing it on? You’ll need to select the moving Part close to the corner you want placed snapped to the corner of the stationary Part as well. The snap system is based on your cursor position.

I don’t see anything to do with this in beta features. And correct, they are not snapping to the to the corners of the other part, I have followed your advice and still get the same issue sadly.

Your Move tool isn’t checked off so it won’t snap!
You show .1 studs but you have to click the checkbox.

Here it is! I knew I wasn’t going crazy!

Well, that’s weird. It disappeared yesterday and came back today.
Must be a beta feature or something?

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Could have been a temporary glitch in your Studio session.

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This is happening to me aswell, useful feature!!

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Agreed, super useful feature when trying to get things perfect/

It’s the dragger QoL beta feature, but I think you studio was probably glitched…

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