Sneak Attack System

Just made a short script that allows Sneak attacks, probably going to fix a few things to compensate for the ServerLag. Let me know if I need to tone down the blood or anything else


whens the game comming out? cuz the animation looks clean but the thing i like the COOL UI! OH YEA! also umm thats alot of blood make it a bit less cuz roblox tos.

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I’m more one of those people that don’t really put release dates on anything so you can just play it now if you want. And thanks about the animation and the UI! the animation I spent about 2 - 3 hours on and the UI is heavily inspired by Tom Clancys The Division.

hmm ok well looks like i might need to umm to the dev thing Ctrl+C Ctrl+V :wink: I am just joking

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the developers keyboard


yea lmao