Snow Particle Help

Hello. I am a new developer trying to add updates to a game, and one of the things I want to add is snow. I watched a tutorial on how to do it, and I was able to add the snow, except for one problem. When I try to change the particle lifetime, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. No matter how large I make the particle lifetime, the snow doesn’t last long enough to touch the ground. Is this some sort of bug, or is there a limit to how long the particles can last?

Just so you know, I do have the particle emitter pretty far off the ground.

Is this for the entire place or just a small area?
I know that ParticleEmitters have limits as far as the number of particles rendered in the workspace. Too many emitters and particles don’t get rendered or start to disappear, especially when the Graphics quality is lowered automatically for lower end devices.
Try testing with Graphics set to 10 instead of automatic to see if that’s part of the issue.

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I tried doing what you said, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I have tried everything, but nothing seems to work. I am using it to cover a large area, and the particle emitter is pretty far off the ground, so that may be part of the issue.

Also, sorry I took so long to respond.

How high up is the Emitter?
What is your studs/second Speed of the Particles?
What is the duration (time) of your particles?

That will tell you if it’s mathematically possible for them to reach the ground.

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My particle emitter is 257 studs off the ground (and I can’t really lower it without ruining the effect of the snow because my map has high parts)
The rate of the emitter is set to 50
The duration is set to 120

I’ve tried lowering the rate and setting the duration higher, but for some reason I doesn’t make the particles last any longer.

My only guess as to why it won’t work is because of how high the particle emitter is.

Rate is how many are emitted. We don’t need to consider that.

Speed is how fast they are travelling.

Speed = Distance / Time (Lifetime)
It’s 257 studs high and is visible for 120 seconds.
Speed = 257 studs / 120 seconds
Speed has to be = 2.1417 studs/second for the particle to reach the ground in this case.
If the Speed is slower than 2.14 it can’t possibly reach the ground.

Also remember that Particles will be emitted from the either the entire volume of a Part, or the Shape Property can be used to emit from a flat surface.

The other option would be to have 2 ParticleEmitters stacked.
Say at the Speed you want the Particles to travel they can move 100 studs. Put 1 emitter 100 studs above the ground with another 1 sitting 100 studs above that. You could mess with the thickness of the parts to give a slightly different end time so they blend a bit better.


Oh sorry, I got confused. But anyways, the speed was actually 5 but the particles still couldn’t reach the ground.

But, turns out it can work if I have three particle emitters stacked, so thank you so much for your help!

My guess on why the particles wouldn’t reach the ground was that Roblox must have so limit on how long the particles can last.

Anyways, thanks!

Usually if there’s a limit you’ll see it when you enter a value.
I know for Lights the limit is 60 studs, but if you enter 80 it’ll just go back to 60.

You don’t have a Transparency gradient on the particle do you? If so the particle might be there, but it’s just transparent at the end of it’s travel.

When I meant that there might be a limit, I meant that there might be a limit that you can’t see. Like, Roblox may of forgot to show that there’s a limit. (Although, this is highly unlikely)

Also, I checked and I don’t think there’s a transparency gradient on the particles.

Click the RH side of the Transparency Property when the ParticleEmitter is selected (I think it’s 3 dots). You should see a graph of a gradient if there is one set up.
Otherwise the value should just be a value from 0 to 1.

I don’t see anything in the graph, so I don’t think I have any transparency gradients set up.

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