Snowball Model I made

So I made this:

Do you like it?


That looks good, but you should definitely try to lower the tri count. 15,000 tris is a TON, especially for such a small asset.


Yeah, I think that’s because I subdivided a lot :grimacing:

Hehe, that can be a problem. You can use the Decimate modifier to remove a lot of the geometry while preserving the shape pretty well.

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Thank you! That helps a lot. :+1:

Given that Roblox is beginning to support PBR textures, I would also recommend learning how to paint and use normal maps so you can use a simple, low-poly sphere that has this level of detail in texture.

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Yeah all I really did was sculpt a UV sphere

15,360 triangles!? You should only need to use like 1/3rd that at most for a detailed snowball with decent textures.

Wow, yeah 15k tris is a bunch! I’d say over 100-200 tris for something like this would be plenty.
You could also start with a standard sphere in Blender, move a few of the Vertices in or out at random, then use the Smooth tool to get rid of the sharp rendered Edges. 5 minute job at most.

This is not even a snowball. You legit just subdivide a sphere then went on material preview and as the light hit the top of the sphere u took a screenshot and claim it as been a snowball??!, that literally takes max 1 minute of work. Plus it has way to many tris, you should really spend more time learning blender before making this post.

He didn’t just subdivide a sphere, if you zoom in it’s sculpted from a very high poly sphere.image_2021-07-21_154307


Still doesnt take away the fact that that legit took a minute at max to make. And its subdivided he even said it. With subdivision before u apply it u can stretch the verts.

This seems a little harsh. When giving feedback, you should aim to be constructive. Everyone is at a different level of learning, so just because making something like this might be a simpler task for someone with lots of experience doesn’t mean this was an easy feat for OP.

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He definitely didn’t need to make it over 5k tris but I mean think about it. What’s it matter how you make it? All he needs to do is make a good texture and mapping and it doesn’t really matter if it took 1 minute to make or 1 hour to make. It’ll look on par either way.
The only thing he really should change is the polycount and add a texture to it instead of flat white.

Am not trying to be harsh its true. You can hop on blender fiddle around with it and do a better job. The model is not textured its just the light bouncing of it. The model has like 15k+ tris which is 100 times more than needed. Am sticking to what i said this took less than a minute of work. If hes not good at blender why is he posting this not expecting some hard hitting feedback.

Your “hard hitting feedback” is kind of useless.
What sounds better, getting hit in the face and being told how to block it, or being hit in the face and being told “you suck get better, you didn’t even try”

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There’s nothing wrong with actual feedback like “There are way too many tris”, but belittling his work and saying it was low effort and could’ve taken no time at all isn’t constructive, it shuts down developers.

This is absolutely not constructive, it’s just rude. The Devforum is a place for developers of all skill levels. It is not a place for this kind of “feedback”


Am not bothered to argue because we r just cluttering this post. The model isnt good there is alot of things that he can improve which has already been said to him. Continue to reply ill just ignore you. Ill rate the model a 2/10 if he applys all the feedback well then it can go up to a 7/10 end of.

Thank you for recognizing that it’s not good to continue what you’re doing. We can all do our part in improving our feedback to newer developers to make the Devforum a more welcoming and inclusive place.

It’s a snowball, my guy. Don’t worry about it. What counts is that they tried, and I think that’s the best thing.

Anyway, here’s a few tips on how to improve this:

If you’re sculpting something like this, you should try to use the Decimate modifier in order to get a better poly count. Once you do that, you can adjust some vertices that may be out of place.

As for texturing, you could probably get away with doing Project From View for that. Before doing so, make sure to press 1 on your keyboard (NumPad) to make the camera face a frontal, orthographic view.

To make your snowball without sculpting, you can insert something like an 8 Segment and 8 Ring Sphere, then select each vertice until you get a checkerboard pattern, and then try using the Randomize tool and scaling a them a tiny bit until you get the mesh to look natural instead of perfect. It would be kind of hard to make a perfect snowball in real life, wouldn’t it?

If you replicate the instructions I gave, you should get a snowball with 112 tris! Don’t be afraid to go a bit higher though if you want a snowball that’s a bit smoother.



I hope this helped! Good luck with 3D modeling! :smile: