Snowflake eyes not displaying original price and resellers on item page

At first, I thought it was just me experiencing the issue. But Many others have as well.
On the item page for Snowflake Eyes, a limited item, the original price of the item and the item’s resellers are not displayed on the website. This issue is specifically for Snowflake Eyes, I’ve checked many other limited items and they do not have this issue.

Expected behavior

What should happen is that the item’s original price (which is 12,500) displays on the item’s website page, as well as the item’s resellers.
For example, here is how it displays on Catching Snowflakes:

The page that should be affected:
Snowflake Eyes Webpage

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Looks like its other limited items as well

I think this happened after roblox allowed the trading of limited 2.0, because limited 2.0s don’t have an issue displaying the original price.

The reason it displays “This item is not available at this time” is because the the API returns null (PriceInRobux)

  "TargetId": 76233968067050,
  "ProductType": "User Product",
  "AssetId": 76233968067050,
  "ProductId": 2676996995,
  "Name": "Snowflake Eyes",
  "Description": "A look that’s as cold as ice. ",
  "AssetTypeId": 18,
  "Creator": {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Roblox",
    "CreatorType": "User",
    "CreatorTargetId": 1,
    "HasVerifiedBadge": true
  "IconImageAssetId": 0,
  "Created": "2024-12-16T23:07:01.277Z",
  "Updated": "2025-01-01T17:30:58.757Z",
  "PriceInRobux": null,
  "PriceInTickets": null,
  "Sales": 0,
  "IsNew": false,
  "IsForSale": false,
  "IsPublicDomain": false,
  "IsLimited": true,
  "IsLimitedUnique": false,
  "Remaining": null,
  "MinimumMembershipLevel": 0,
  "ContentRatingTypeId": 0,
  "SaleAvailabilityLocations": null,
  "SaleLocation": null,
  "CollectibleItemId": null,
  "CollectibleProductId": null,
  "CollectiblesItemDetails": null

Where as if you use this API for a limited 2.0, it returns the original price(PriceInRobux)

  "TargetId": 12803855954,
  "ProductType": "Collectible Item",
  "AssetId": 12803855954,
  "ProductId": 1502103104,
  "Name": "Glossy Red Baseball Cap",
  "Description": "This hat isn’t worn out, it’s brand new!",
  "AssetTypeId": 8,
  "Creator": {
    "Id": 1,
    "Name": "Roblox",
    "CreatorType": "User",
    "CreatorTargetId": 1,
    "HasVerifiedBadge": true
  "IconImageAssetId": 0,
  "Created": "2023-03-16T18:46:08.91Z",
  "Updated": "2023-03-16T22:35:06.833Z",
  "PriceInRobux": 75,
  "PriceInTickets": null,
  "Sales": 0,
  "IsNew": false,
  "IsForSale": false,
  "IsPublicDomain": false,
  "IsLimited": false,
  "IsLimitedUnique": false,
  "Remaining": 9709873,
  "MinimumMembershipLevel": 0,
  "ContentRatingTypeId": 0,
  "SaleAvailabilityLocations": null,
  "SaleLocation": {
    "SaleLocationType": 5,
    "UniverseIds": []
  "CollectibleItemId": "18d8f997-0218-495a-bf40-2bac0d4772d4",
  "CollectibleProductId": "f2138ecf-89b6-47d8-ada6-37230ff88699",
  "CollectiblesItemDetails": {
    "CollectibleLowestResalePrice": 95,
    "CollectibleLowestAvailableResaleProductId": "cd0de11c-284c-413b-a635-e6bc42cdcb79",
    "CollectibleLowestAvailableResaleItemInstanceId": "b830a9e9-532e-47ce-8364-7354d7331d11",
    "CollectibleQuantityLimitPerUser": null,
    "IsForSale": false,
    "TotalQuantity": 10000000,
    "IsLimited": true

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This is an acknowledgement message. Thanks for the report. We have assigned to our team for review.

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After review, we’ve determined the reported behavior aligns with our intended design. No changes are planned for this particular behavior.

the original price of the item won’t be shown if the original stock is not available anymore.
the resellers list should be showing normally, could you please reload the page and check again?

I’ve checked again, it still isn’t showing up, it’s on multiple items too.

Yeaaaaah uh

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