SnowGlobe scene - Advent calender! 2022 (Finished)

Hello everyone!

I wanted to do something leading up to Christmas, so I have decided on a Snow Globe! Advent calendar

But there’s a twist every day the most liked response of the last day will be added to the Snow Globe so if you want an asset added to the Snow Globe then reply with your idea and maybe I’ll make it the next day! You can suggest multiple assets but also give others a chance to suggest some assets

Here’s the snow globe so far

Day 1

I missed the first day so i decided just to add some snow to the bottom

Day 2

Added: Christmas Tree
Requested by: @Waffle_Gamer6

Day 3

Added: Log Cabin
Requested by: @5DiamondzZzZ

Day 4

Added: Snow Man
Requested by: @KinderDev

Day 5

Added: Sled
Requested by: @EliottENAnnoucement

Day 6

Added: GingerBread Man
Requested By: @killerpotato_alt

Day 7

Added: Presents
Requested By: @VauItZone

Day 8

Added: Lights On Cabin
Requested By: @coburm

Day 9

Added: Cabin Background
Requested By: @Waffle_Gamer6

Day 10

Added: Windows
Requested By: Me

Day 11

Added: Table
Requested By: @Waffle_Gamer6

Day 12

Added: Fireplace (no fire yet)
Requested By: @Waffle_Gamer6 Waff

Day 13

Added: Hot Chocolate
Requested By: Me

Day 14

Added: Carpet
Requested By: Me

Day 15

Added: Garnet On Windows
Requested by: @Claym1x

Day 16

Added: Candles
Requested by: Me

Day 17

Added: Chairs
Requested By: @Waffle_Gamer6

Day 18

Added; Fruit Bowl
Requested By: Me

Day 19

Added: Stockings
Requested by: Me

Day 20

Added: Reduced Background Blur And Scaled Up Globe
Requested By: Me

Day 21

Added: Santa Hat on Globe
Requested By: Me

Day 22

Added: Changed Materials to fireplace and added metal rim
Requested By: Me

Day 23

Added: Fire
Requested By: @Waffle_Gamer6

Day 24

Added: Snow to Snow globe (full animation with falling snow and moving fire will be tomorrow)
Requested By: @VauItZone

Sadly my computer couldn’t handle rendering the finished animation for the last day of the scene so day 24 is the finale render

EDIT. I just realized my computer has a gpu which Significantly! decreases render time so I rendered the animation! I know this is really late and im dissapointed I didnt figure this out earlier but here it is


but don’t worry I didn’t forget about the asset pack!

also here is a blender file with all the assets so you can make changes to them it doesnt incude the scene or any of the lighting, fire sim, or particles but all the assets are there

Snow Globe Scene Assets.blend (8.6 MB)

I had to decimate a few of the models since they were over 10k tris

The scene is finished so I won’t be updating this post anymore this was really fun to do
thanks to everyone who suggested assets

Merry Christmas!


How about a Christmas tree in the center?


little snowflakes floating around!


I have a feeling this snow globe’ll be super full by the end of this, SO TAKE IT AS A CHALLENGE.

Snowman =D


yes, I was thinking about that I’ll try to make the models smaller but if it gets to packed people can also recommend stuff to put outside the snow globe like in the background!
I’m thinking maybe like a fireplace or a snow globe on a wood table or maybe both!

thanks for the suggestion!


i was thinking of adding falling snow at the end to the snow globe using particles
thanks for the suggestion tho!


oh ok! Maybe you could add a cabin? or maybe a little sleigh flying around, if its not too hard!


ill try and add this now


sry this took so long i had some other things to do

rendering it out now tho will be adding the snowman tommorow

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heres the cabin model

gonna be uploading the render image i didnt have much time to render so its a little blurry


Good job! You did amazing on this!

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i made the base darker and the tree a little smaller so i could fit more not sure i if i like it tho

You said that we could suggest a background, so this is what I think is a good idea:
I think you should add the snow globe on a shelf, with a cabin wall, maybe from a side view so you can see other objects in the background like a fireplace in the cabin and two chairs with a side table, and decorations around. (I hope you do not mind that this is my second idea, and that it may be a bit large)

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Maybe you can add a sleight near to the Christmas tree!!

Happy Christmas everyone!!

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i can try and add this ill probally do 1 item at a time tho not the whole backround at once

ill make this snowman today

How about the sleigh :)?

There will be a lot of items the 25th :scream::scream::scream:

I will be making the sleigh tomorrow since I’m only doing 1 model a day

there will be alot of models so i will add some stuff to the backround instead of just a white plane

Here is the finished snowman!

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ooh you could add a little gingerbread man near the cabin!