Snowy Outpost, how do I stay?

Hi, I want to show you something I built in the studio, I made an outpost in a snowy area for a game that I am creating.

The map concept is simple in my opinion, I call it Snowy Outpost (I’m not that creative :sweat_smile:), What do you think?


Pretty cool concept! It reminds me of og games haha. It pretty good overall! Maybe add more things instead of those white blocks and wood blocks everywhere. That’s all! Keep it up! :wink:

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Experiment with other shapes, most of it is blocky which is not up to today’s standard. The map concept is good. If you are trying to create a blocky old school game, ignore what I said.

try adding some hills to make it not look so flat

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Looking good!

Maybe use the terrain editor and add rock cliffs around the border instead of square walls. Look forward to seeing what you do here.