Take 1 look at the regular ROBLOX forums lol
Why? I already know thats how they are. I never disagreed with that. I’m just saying the lounge can be pretty dumb too
I honestly would like some newer developers coming in here asking for help and engaging the community. I just don’t want the trolls.
Obviously, the lounge will stay restrictive to senior members. But I think categories like Development Discussion, Feature Requests, and Bugs Reports can be opened up to a less restrictive group of people. There could be a reputation system. The lower you get, the more restrictions you have. You, of course, will need to be accepted onto the forums first, but the requirements to be accepted won’t be so difficult to achieve.
Maybe having more than x number of place visits could be a factor into getting into the less restrictive parts of the forum. Just an idea.
I don’t think place visits are the best metric (if there is any fitting metric like that) to judge how fit people are for the devforum… I think it should still involve some kind of manual review, though it can be more lenient.
It would probably be interesting to give people read-only access first, then they can see what kind of behaviour is expected of you before you can post anything.
Maybe this topic could use a thread of its own another day, since this one is about badges
The idea behind badges/achievements is to collect them all (didn’t you play pokemon?). This is why platforms like steam have a percentage bar on achievements.
The goal of roblox isn’t to convert all users into developers. That’s why having badges related to developer achievements seems kind of weird. Imo we should kill roblox-based badges and focus more on developer-created badges. Just my 2c.
If anything, I think that just goes to show that we should get a handle on our own community before looking to expand it. That being said, I’m definitely a fan of opening up the forums eventually.
Maybe just make the RBXDev group official and automatically make all members join it - that should be ample authentication?
Why though? IMO being in rbxdev doesn’t even mean anything. There are non-developers here, and there are developers that aren’t here. You should let your accomplishments speak for themselves.
Basically if you need a badge to make yourself look more legit then I don’t think you’re legit enough to deserve the badge anyway.
My worry is more about the impersonation of RBXDev members - My friend was contacted by a ‘DevForum Member’ who asked him for some places he made for a ‘nomination’ - it is impossible to know if a user is actually a devforum member (due to different accounts registered like Alkan or Fractality_Alt), and eventually It turned out he was just stealing his places.
It isn’t about being legit enough to hold some badge, it’s just a way to tell if someone might just be an impersonator or not.
If players are giving their places out to devforum members then that sounds like its own problem. Players shouldn’t be giving out their games just because someone tells them to, devforum member or not. If the problem really is that devforum members look like staff members then it seems like giving them a badge would only make the problem worse.
It’s because he assumed it was needed for nomination
EDIT: What I’m trying to say here is that, since there is no public information about nomination, It can be assumed that a member of the DevForum (allegedly) would know what is required - it is a fair assumption that a place could be needed for a nomination (perhaps, to review code), so any external developer could assume it was true.
I know a lot of people here think being on RBXDev mean nothing, but to a lot of people, it’s an elite mega developer club that only a select few can get in. I’m not defending @Network_Replicated’s friend for giving away his place, but I would see people doing that. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about someone using RBXDev status to get others to do stuff. We have a high status outside of this forum just from simply being on it.
I don’t know if a badge would make things better, but I don’t think it’s good that people are using RBXDev status to exploit people. I think people need to know that members of this forum are just normal developers. We don’t have any special powers.
I think this might branch off from the forums itself and it being so exclusive. People outside of it don’t really know what’s going on and they are assuming it’s some special club. There never really has been any official description of this place, and the only real official mention I’ve seen was that Christmas gift a few years ago.
I have a few friends (who aren’t even developers) who desperately want to be on this forum regardless of how many times I say it’s not anything special. I don’t know why they want to be members so badly, but I feel this is the case with a lot of people.
Maybe a badge would help. I mean, if people want to think this place is a special mega developer exclusive power forum, let them. I don’t know if there’s anyway we can prevent that. But at least a badge will prevent people from exploiting that status. It’s the same how the Administrator badge is. You don’t see random people running around claiming to be an admin because we can easily check if that’s true by going to their badges.
A bit off-topic but one thing that I’ve noticed in all the threads about Dev badges, they all go in on loops. I don’t think this argument/topic will ever end.
The loop:
+There should be badges for legitimacy of the developer abilities
- You don’t need badges for your legitimacy
+There are impersonators - Giving badges isn’t the solution
+This’ll give authority / make a point to be aspired by non dev members - People will get in only for status and to harass or do fraud and it’ll lower the quality of this place
Same sub-topics have been talked about at least 3 times now I think.
Is it a fair assumption to think that your games need to be reviewed? Yes. Is it fair to assume that developers are the ones doing this reviewing process and that everyone who ever got into rbxdev did so by handing out their games? No. I think this specific incident with your friend isn’t indicative of any identification problem. It’s just a mistake he made because he didn’t think through it properly, like how kids give out their passwords for free robux.
If all you guys want is some external visibility as to who’s in the dev forums then I think all we need is a list of members that’s visible from somewhere on this site, not a big shiny badge that rewards people for being here. If anything a badge will only inflame the problem @TigerCode mentioned where players want to be here for no good reason.
I stopped having any strong feelings about this either way months ago, but we’re still talking about badges, right?
These are the same things you get by making 20 friends and getting 100 visits. This thread is taking them too seriously.
I don’t have any serious objections if it actually helps people avoid scams, but the key word there is “actually”. Scammers can probably find other avenues to cheat people out of their shit, so this doesn’t seem like a vital change.
Blaming the user for getting scammed isn’t really constructive when most of the users are naive teenagers with little/no experience in the development community.
I think in addition to what Frac said, you said that it’s similar to how kids give away their passwords for free robux.
To combat that specific problem ROBLOX added a notice (as many websites do now) saying not to share their password for fear of thieves.
If the issue here can be proven to be a problem of mis-identification, misunderstanding of devforum user status, or our “power administrative capabilities as a devforum user”, then this issue should be addressed so that users who are not apart of the devforums are made aware of the purpose of the forum itself and its members; somewhere that users can see it quite clearly.
Anyone who knows what the devforums are has probably seen the public announcements section, so it would be a good start to include some more information explaining to outsiders that the devforum is not a status symbol or administrative privilege, to prevent further potential issues in regards to devforum (or fake devforum) members tricking/telling others what to do.
“I don’t know why they want to be members so badly, but I feel this is the case with a lot of people.”
Adding a Developer Forum badge only helps propel this notion.
I still stand by having a plain grey text label off in the corner of the page somewhere that says “developer’s forum member”. Something intentionally boring, so it doesn’t seem special, but that it’s there so users can see that you are a forum from the website
This would actually be better, and I think would be a perfect sentiment for both sides of this arguement.