So emotes huh? can i overwrite them in-game somehow?

So there is an emote menu, but can we insert/remove emotes into/from the emote wheel?
I searched around, but i havent found a single evidence that this would be modular.
And this forum is my last resort.
Is it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I believe that you test the game in Studio and just check the PlayerGui!

No. That aint it.

Oh, well.


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This is possible using the following (It would go in StarterCharacterScripts)

local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character.Humanoid
local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription

-- Load custom emotes
local emoteTable = {
	["Salute"] = { 3360689775 },
	["Stadium"] = { 3360686498 },
	["Tilt"] = { 3360692915 },
	["Point"] = { --[[EMOTE ID HERE]] },
	["Cheer"] = { --[[EMOTE ID HERE]] }

-- Equip emotes in a specific order
local equippedEmotes = { "Salute", "Stadium", "Tilt", "Point", "Cheer" }

You can overwrite them using the tutorial found here, on the developer hub

How did i miss this?
But i guess it works for custom emotes right? just copy the id.

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