So I created an obby and I want to make it free vip admin so how do I make it a free Vip admin game using HD admin

So I built an obby recently and I want to make it a free admin game using he admin. And I want the players to have vip rank admin. So how do I do that for when players join they get free vip admin?



You’ve to get to HD admin settings script and then go to

Change the “Free admin”; to “VIP”;

The script located around line 64-70. Make sure you’ve the official HD admin.

Recategorised to Scripting Support. Please make sure to read category guidelines before posting threads. Cool Creations is for showcasing things you’ve created and for receiving feedback on them, not for getting support doing something in your game.

I also encourage you to try attempting resolving your issues on your own first before making posts; and if you do make a post, include your attempt that wasn’t successful (provided you’ve debugged and done a bit of research to try and fix it first).

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