August 30, 2021, 1:09pm
Hi, I’m Honkuleys/Ch0q !
Today I am going to show you all a recent build of mine that took an entire week to finish.
This build is also a recreation of one of my friends game, Znl Shop .
Here’s the build:
I’ve also did the inside of the shop as well!
I was also able to get his own fanart into my build
And with the help of my own Low Poly Kit that I made, it made it a lot easier when building and saved up time.
Most of the build was made by me but I also used free models just for decoration
Oh, and maybe you are wondering what was that purple blob?
This is Bob. (We don’t talk about him cus he special)
Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
August 30, 2021, 2:36pm
Looks cool… but, on my main account I’ve got a group called ZnL Studios. And I was planning to make a store called the same as you named yours. Does this count as copying though?
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August 30, 2021, 2:56pm
First of all, I don’t own Znl Shop .
This was just a recreation of my friends game.
Second, I’m not sure who came first with Znl Shop and all but how can I copy yours if I never knew it existed.
EDIT: Znl Shop actually came first, since it’s a year old.
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August 30, 2021, 2:58pm
True true. Sorry I was just wondering.