I really want to know how this can be improved, so go all out!
I really want to know how this can be improved, so go all out!
Pretty sweet! The model of The World looks good also. How did you do the color changes?
TweenService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub + ColorCorrectionEffect | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
It’s a very simple effect. Color changing.
I’ve never seen anything like that.
That is extremely cool.
Thank you! Do you happen to have any kind of criticism? I want this to be the best Time Stop possible.
You should add the effect when DIO stops time a couple waves extrude out of him and then come back once he has completed his time stop. Allow me to elaborate if you don’t understand. I have never been good at explaining things.
I am going to follow you for future updates on your game because I like the work.
How did you go about stopping time did you anchor all the part or pause the players animations?
Pausing animations wasn’t the way to go, so I just anchored everything in the character.
I understand that it is poor etiquette to reply to old posts since it bumps them. But I also have created a time stop script and I am wondering how you made it so the person who is time stopped cannot see the time stopper moving within the time stop. I already created my own topic for this but nobody has given me a answer that has my desired results.
If you want it to be the best, then maybe add some spheres and have them with different colors, slowly gaining transparency? just a thought idk
It’s actually really simple and this problem stumped me for a while as well.
All you have to do is fire a remote event to any clients not allowed to see time stoppers (this way you can have a system where some players can see a time stopper’s movement) and anchor them. That simple. The code is something like this.
Server Code
-- Tell clients time has stopped.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local timeStopper: Model = nil -- get the time stopper somehow
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
TimeStopChanged:FireClient(player, true, timeStopper)
Client Code (the meat of this effect)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local TimeStopChanged = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.TimeStopChanged
You could also send in a player object and access the Character property.
I prefer using a model because you can extend this to NPC characters as well,
and a better (if needed, might be overkill) is passing an array of timeStopper models and
anchoring all of them
TimeStopChanged.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(timeStopped: boolean, timeStopper: Model)
-- if time has stopped let's anchor the timeStopper
if timeStopped then
-- [insert code for effects]
for _, instance: Instance in ipairs(timeStopper:GetDescendants()) do
if instance:IsA("BasePart") then
instance.Anchored = true
-- if time is NOT stopped, let's unanchor the time stopper
for _, instance: Instance in ipairs(timeStopper:GetDescendants()) do
if instance:IsA("BasePart") then
instance.Anchored = false