First sports GFX, I’ve done, Ronaldo with dyed hair celebrating after scoring a top bins volley!
Feedback would be amazing!
Yours sincerely,

First sports GFX, I’ve done, Ronaldo with dyed hair celebrating after scoring a top bins volley!
Looks pretty good. One thing you could fix is where the letters blend with the ball it looks a bit messy. (I have this issue too!) Other than that it looks pretty good!
Hmm so should I put the ball further out from the text? Or add like a background to text?
Maybe add an outline on the text, then add the soccer balls.
Hmm yeah I did that earlier but then removed it and merged the layers should have kept it and THEN merged bow that I look back
The text on the character’s face is throwing me off.
The logo also isn’t centered on the icon and could be a bit bigger.
I’d recommend removing the sun from the background since it doesn’t match the lighting on the left of the character and might distract from the rest of the icon a bit.
Okay thank you for the feedback I was so focused trying to allign text to person I forgot the bigger picture
It is a good gfx! the logo can be more in the middle to be even, and it is a basic pose. Other than that, It is a smooth and good gfx!
Thanks, I moved the text so it is centred now