Soccer Shooting system

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I am trying to make that when the ball is clicked it shoots depending on click duration

  2. I have looked everywhere in the devforum and documentation but i am very confused
    i dont know what to use for this


get the time difference between when you first initiated the click and when you let go of the click using os.clock, you will use this time difference for the kick duration. then you can multiply the difference to any value to make the kick power stronger.

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but how do i make it go to the aim in the air?

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time difference multiplied to the camera lookvector multiplied to the additional multiplier value.

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i mean do i use something like body force or linear force because this is wath i find confusing .

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you can use ApplyImpulse() its built for forces like kicking a ball upwards

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OK, i am gonna try using applyimpulse()

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BasePart | Roblox Creator Documentation , the dev doc dosent have exemples do you have one?


Oh ok and how to change the power of the force?

by changing the vector3 value, and using my advice from the beginnig

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so i now tried multiple things and a thing i have donae dosent even works

local character = script.Parent
local UIs = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local kickpo = 500
	if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
		local startime =  tick()
			if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
				local endtime = tick()
				local duration = endtime - startime
				local kickpower = kickpo * duration
				local rootpart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
				if rootpart then
					local bodyforce ="VectorForce")
					bodyforce.Force =, kickpower, 0)
					bodyforce.Parent = rootpart

hi are you still on this post. Because i might have a solution

You can use a RemoteEvent to find the time a mouse is clicked; this can be done by firing the event when the mouse is pressed and is released. The duration can then be multiplied by a factor/vector3 value, and then use the vector3 value in the :ApplyImpulse() function to apply an impulse to the ball. This is true if the ball is a part. Rather than :ApplyImpulse, you could also use a bodyForce or somethin like a bodyVelocity.

I found the solution i used a bezier curve to replicate the kick effect and it is more controlable than using forces i also used a remote event ,getmouse() and userinputservice .

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