Im trying to make a soccer possesion/attacker system, if you go over the ball or collide with the ball then you should be able to get the ball and it starts playing animations for when you move with said ball and when you dont. ive tried raycasthitbox for the collsion detection to gain possesion but its not working someone please give me ideas on how to make a possesion system
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.Touched, Magnitude/Distance auto grab, various ways you can do it.
for .Touched you can create a bigger outer Hitbox for the player, for magnitude you can just do a check every so often check if they get close enough to the ball.
well im trying to make it fast but with the system i have right now which is theirs a script inside the ball, and it runs raycasts to see if its touched, once it is it fires a module and the modue ahdnles everything but its really slow
Better to just have the client checking the distance of the ball at that point. Then have it send a remote to the server
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