Social Chat | Enhance your experience with spectacular social chat features!

It isn’t, こんにちは works fine with other chat systems.

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Oh Jeez! (this wasn’t intentional) :sweat_smile:

This is most likely because of how special symbols are registered and split into multiple individual character values. SocialChat currently splits a word into individual letters in order to render special effects on them. I’ll definitely be looking into adding support for this, thanks for bringing this to my attention! :smile:

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Oh, thank you! I reported this on github too since I wasn’t really sure at first ¯_ (ツ)_/¯


Sorry to reply so soon lol, I found a potential fix with the utf8.graphemes() function which respects special characters.


I wasn’t aware that there was a utf8 library specifically designed for this (which is super convenient!) :grin:
This should be fixed within the next release of SocialChat!!

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Big bug report incoming!

I seem to have noticed an issue with the chat window where the box scales weirdly on large displays:

By default, the caret and text selection boxes don’t appear in the window:

What I expected:

I do understand that the highlighting bit is due to you using a separate label for text input since RichText is weird with TextBoxes, but hopefully you can find a fix! :smile:

This option in the chat configuration doesn’t seem to work properly:

This option breaks bubbles entirely when disabled:

I also noticed you stored your bubbles inside a particular player’s head and never changed its Adornee, this is kind of a bad idea since it won’t persist if the character resets or gets modified.


Something weird, chat bubbles seem to randomly do this without any reason…
It’s a bit too fast to capture, but it keeps jittering between tiny and small sizes with translucent text.


This is currently being worked on! :grin: RichText in TextBoxes would result in weird lines of string which could lead to bad UX; thus being why I used a seperate TextLabel for RichText. I appreciate for your suggestion!

Yikes! :scream: I’ll definitely be looking into this as well, thanks for the report!

Im not entirely sure what you mean here, would you be able to capture a gif of the issue in question?

If it would appear I could show you lol, sometimes this bug causes text to not even appear.


I’m not entirely sure what causes this. My current version of SocialChat seems to work perfectly fine so I’d assume this was fixed already in case I forgot. If not I’ll return to this issue and verify that it gets fixed, thanks for your report! :smirk_cat:

Oops! I think this was a mistake on my part since I was messing with some settings regarding how bubble logs were stored.


Yeah, chatting and then quickly resetting results in the bubble disappearing and some weird errors in the console, hence why I was messing with bubble logs.

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Just wondering, is there an option to toggle off the bubble chat, thanks!

Look for this option in your configuration module!


How can i add chat extra tags to social chat?

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You can do this by navigating towards your Tags module located in…

SocialChat > Environments > Server > Tags

Then you can create a new tag by using this template!

["tag"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {}, -- accepted userids (if any)

			["GroupId"] = 0, -- your groupid
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {}, -- accepted ranks (if any)

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "YOUR_TAG_NAME_HERE",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 35, 35), -- your tag color here

		["Priority"] = 0, -- lower priorities get chosen over other tags with higher priority values

Is it just me or is the place broken(can’t connect, TC error)

Sorry about that, I had team create enabled for some reason. :sweat_smile:
It should work now!

So either I’m a bit stupid to understand, but I decided to play around a little with making custom chat commands.

However, whenever I try to enter the command, I get this error

This is my code:

local ChatService = game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat
local Server = require(ChatService.Environments.Server)
local Client = require(ChatService.Environments.Client)

Server.PlayerChatted:Connect(function(playerWhoChatted, messageSent)
	if string.find(messageSent, "/ping") then
				["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(170, 255, 0),
				["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(170, 255, 0)

Oh yea and also, I tried to use messageSent == "/ping" but that just resulted in the same error. Is this an error with the system, or am I doing something wrong?