Social Chat | Enhance your experience with spectacular social chat features!

You are not meant to require both the Client and the Server like this.

The proper way to require SocialChat is:

local SocialChat = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat);

As for commands, you must use the SocialChat.PlayerChatted method and determine if the player is actually requesting a command etc. Additionally, if you’d like to create a message on the client you must use RemoteEvents to accomplish this due to the fact that the :CreateChatMessage method can only be called by a client/LocalScript. Hope this helps!

flippn roblox now has team create enabled whenever you save a new game… a pain
if your posting or sharing…

This chatting system is really exciting, I love how you can type in custom emojis, to enhance peoples engagement between servers, custom tags and custom emojis are a great addition to a custom chat starting out unique, can’t wait for more updates from you guys!


Well yes, but how am I supposed to call the Server and Client API then?

The server/client module automatically gets fetched by the initializer module. (which should be the main module in ReplicatedStorage)

The type of module you recieve depends on your scripting environment ^^ (eg. ServerScripts get the Server module while LocalScripts get the Client module)

Ah I see. It worked perfectly. Thanks alot.

Oh and also, are you already aware of that error? No idea what is causing it

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Im not entirely sure why this would happen. Are you able to provide reproduction steps to this error?

Oh yea, and also, :CreateChatMessage() doesnt really work as it seems.

It does register the command, but it doesnt create the chat message, but instead it gives me this: 12:57:01.548 ServerScriptService.Commands:5: attempt to index nil with 'CreateChatMessage' - Server - Commands:5

This is the code I am using to pull this off:

local SocialChat = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat)

SocialChat.PlayerChatted:Connect(function(playerWhoChatted, messageSent)
	if messageSent == "/ping" then
			"TIP", -- this parameter can be set to "nil" if you dont want a speaker tag in your message
				["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 65, 65),
				["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 80, 80)
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It’s the SocialChat Service itself. No changes whatsoever made to it. (I should also probaly mention that it is from your uncopylocked Social Chat testing place)

Are you able to DM me on Discord? If yes, then it would be pretty useful as I am not always on the Devforum.

My discord is Hauber#6702

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This error is happening because CreateChatMessage is a Client method. You can not call this method on a ServerScript using the Server Module.

By the way does this work with HD Admin; if it did it would be awesome!

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It does not currently support HD admin, im working on a tutorial for linking it up with any sort of admin system soon!

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Chat doesn’t support russian symbols, абвг turns into:
unknown (12)

Is there any way to add support for additional unicode characters yourself?

Oh, just noticed it, you helped me a lot!

This should be fixed in the next SocialChat update! Stay tunned! :slight_smile:

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Btw, I have a suggestion on how to improve the chat.
Make support for gradient texts. I tried to do it myself, but since the chat sentence consists of separate text labels, the gradient is superimposed on each letter, so official gradient support would be good :sunglasses:


I joined the game on my phone and the text box did this
I have no idea how this happened. All i did was join and start typing and it did this. My assumption is that stuff isnt scaling properly (but dont take my word for granted, i dont know much about GUIs).

It doesn’t cause anything to break, but its just infuriating.

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This was previously because I used TextBoxes for highlighted chat text ^^
This should be fixed within the next SocialChat update!!