Social Chat | Enhance your experience with spectacular social chat features!

SocialChat v1.1 is here! :partying_face:

After much feedback, I have taken the time to add additional stability along with some new features to the system!

Update Log :scroll:

  • SocialChat now supports unique chat markdowns similar to discord markdowns! (currently only supports bold, italic, underlined, and strikethrough text)
  • Added a custom highlight frame that displays the currently highlighted text
  • Added a cursor frame that simulates normal textbox cursors
  • Added support for /e dance and all the other default roblox emotes
  • Improved system stability by clearing out most previously found bugs
  • Implemented a new Initializer for easier system implementation
  • Added additional configurations for ChatBubbles

For unincluded details, please refer to the resource’s github page!

You can grab your updated version of SocialChat here!

I did mention a tutorial video at some point but the video(s) would take some time to make so meanwhile I have decided to release v1.1 and make the video some other time. I also plan on making a website for documentation but I am trying to figure out how to make one so it may take some time. :cry:


finally, im so happy!! thank you!!

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Also, for the website you can use google sites, although sometimes it can look TRAASH

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I’ll try to see what I can come up with!! I plan on using github pages if anything ^^

Wanted to checkout the chat and this happened when I type :test, after the ui fades it becomes :test

Adding a “:” at the start makes a duplicate and glitches it weirdly, but sends the message as you wanted, only the preview seems to be bugged

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Thanks for the report! I’ll try to fix this ASAP ^


whoa nicely done i might use this on my future games

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This should be automatically fixed now!

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It’s still happening. Also discovered another glitch where you cant type again after you disable the keyboard.


Here’s a video i made about it. (apologies that its sideways)

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Hello, I already use topbarplus in my game and I’m getting errors

Im pretty sure this is caused because of how TextBoxes work in Mobile. Im not entirely sure what seems to cause this but I’ll try to give it another shot if anything ^^

What errors are you getting? Would you mind posting them here?

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and attempt to index nil with icon

That error is not related to TopbarPlus. Are you sure you’re using the most updated version of SocialChat?

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yes and when I was using the old version the topbars were fused.

Im not really sure about what you’re saying here. :sweat_smile:

If anything, please ensure that you are using the most recent version of SocialChat.

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I accidentally used SocialChat Main Module [v.1.1] - Roblox :rofl:

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Hi, just a suggestion! Maybe instead of using game.ReplicatedStorage or game.Players use game:GetService() instead, thanks!


This is more of a coding preference. I believe they are interchangable without much or any of a difference but feel free to correct me if im wrong! I appreciate the feedback :happy3:

There sadly is a difference, which is the fact that you can rename the services in Studio (tho unlikely someone will actually do it)

Doing this will prevent using game[Service], so it’s better to use game:GetService() for that kind of edge-cases which CAN happen and I can assure you have already happened in some games I developed in before.

yeah… fun times…

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