Social links wont work

So I have tried to put social links on my game because my game is still in dev but I want people to join my discoard so they could see future updates on the game but for some reason everytime I go to the social links section this pops up, can anyone help me out please?

Does it still occur after refreshing? For more it works.

yes it still occurs after I refresh

See if your link is in this format if not change the game ID and paste it in and then try that.

Edit: If both fail your best option is to file a #platform-feedback:website-bugs bug report.
Edit 2: Or if you’re under 13 You shouldn’t be

wait what when I click that link it says page not found I dont understand what Im supposed to do :sweat_smile:

Give me a link to your game and I’ll put the ID in aka the numbers like if your id was “1” where I put “100000” I’d put “1” there instead of what’s currently there.

Ok I did that and it took me to social links page but the same thing still appears where its just a blank screen and theres nothing there

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Yeah now it’s probably best just to do a #platform-feedback:website-bugs report. You’ll have to go through the Editors/PA but best of luck.

V Try it V

also here is the ID if u need it 1877222785

no that doesnt work ;-; I dont know whats wrong, is it a my pc thing?

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If you are under the age of 13, social links are disabled for you, you cannot make your own, or view other peoples social links.

<13 users don’t get the option of social links at all. I confirmed this by making a <13 account.

But on my main account I get the setting.

I don’t know why it shows up blank for you but I can’t repro this.

Hey I did some tests and found out why. It only happens if you have ad blocked turned on!

Make sure your account isn’t under thirteen.

If not, turn off ad block.

Otherwise I would suggest restarting your computer. I’ve had weird Roblox site glitches that go away when I restart my computer.

Bumping this. I’m experiencing the same problem and have been for a couple of months now. It seems I’m shadow banned from social links in-general? Can’t change them in games, groups, or on my profile but I can change them fine on other accounts.

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