Social Media Links

Social media links are not showing. I opened my games (Sweep Squad - Roblox) in an incognito tab and they were not there.


You probably have to be logged in, because they don’t want to assume 13+. Works for me logged in.


Correct. Source for @wravager:

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With this and removing experimental mode, you guys are the best. You’ve been listening to what the community really wants. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work.


Also, is this planned to be added to groups? Groups use discord heavily.


If they’re doing it to games, I really don’t see why they can’t do it to groups so I would really hope so. Groups need more love than they get.


When was this update released? The post says it was created 13 days ago, but all of the comments are from 2 hours ago.


They draft threads in private before publishing them when the feature actually releases. This thread was made public 2 hours ago.


T H A N K Y O U!

I can finally reference my discord server without having to jump through hoops to get fans there.

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Slight problem with discord links:

I can’t have the default Discord link, which is formatted as this: Discord.

I instead have to type it in like this:

Just a slight quark I have with the new update.

Other than that, fantastic update!
We just need this on Group pages now. :thinking:


It’d be awesome if we could also add links to standard Roblox groups.
On Xbox it’s undesired to have links in descriptions, and even forbidden if your game is featured there, so I can no longer actively redirect players to the game’s discussion group by simply putting a link in the game’s description. A link to a Roblox group would fit well in the social media links section regardless of that, though.


If you have an underscore at the end of your Twitter username (for example mine is Wonuf) you can’t add your Twitter link as it’s an “incorrect format”

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Agreed, would be awesome if we could direct users to our fan groups, this would help us market future games and such.

On a different note.
@Wonuf Read OP

But ye, I got the same issue. Glad that it will be fixed soon.


How will the developer be affected if his discord isn’t properly monitored?

Say someone post some nsfw images in there and nobody removes it, will the link be removed? Will the developer get a warning or even ban for such a thing (even tho he did not post it)?!


A potential solution would be making a shared Twitter like what studio’s often do. :slight_smile:
I did that for my group UniDev.

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Why is it limited to 3 / 5 social media options?


Yes, we need more information regarding this.

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Because 3 fit perfectly 5 would be squished with the amount of text allowed. 6 would fit if it were 3 on 3 stacked.

6 links would work honestly, it would format nice like you said but also give space for devs to link multiple Twitters for the devs involved in their games like I’ve seen a few people ask for in this thread. (Provided they change the system to allow multiple of one type of link)


i much appreciate this, even if it still has bugs, it has allowed our discord to grow even more!, this graph shows how it just spiked. really awesome :slight_smile: