<SocialRainbow v1
available in github: Download Resource from github
Social rainbow will make your text, button, and frames rainbow.
How to use
Put that module in ReplicatedStorage.
it will work.
available in github: Download Resource from github
Social rainbow will make your text, button, and frames rainbow.
Put that module in ReplicatedStorage.
it will work.
Please provide an example of how it works. Additionally I noticed this is just a code snippet instead of a module. Have a loop for every GuiObject is performance heavy and it would be much feasible for a module.
P.S. you should store the scripts as rbxmx as rbxm is unreadable on mobile.
u need to put that in ur studio, i don’t think it’s readable
.rbxmx is actually readable with the code having little modification while rbxm is not.
I did mention on mobile and not Roblox Studio.
sorry, i forgot to put that information, i will put that now.
Resources and tutorials should be more significant than a few lines of code. Yes, it makes things rainbow, but it’s very simple to do.
-- renderstepped:
TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromHSV((tick() * 4) % 1, 1, 1)
And, that’s all you need!
but i decided to make something useful
I will convert it to a module that works like Shime
Thank you, I would be grateful
Why is the gh just two same scripts with an extremely inefficient rainbow script?
im trying my best to make a good resource but everyone hates my resources
true, people got mad at you for Rail and Ohoo (you posted it in your hacked account) and it’s discontinued as you told me in your discourse forum
done, here’s the module file
Rainbow.lua (2.0 KB)
if you don’t want to download, then here’s the code
SocialRainbow by VSCPlays (originally from @kernelvox (max96git))
This rainbow module is based on @WinnersTakeAll (RyanLua)'s Shime
I made this for @kernelvox as @bluebxrrybot and @commitblue said it's not enough for a community resource,
I want to help @kernelvox succed
please credit me @VSCPlays for the module and @kernelvox for the idea
--// Services \\--
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--// Sanity Checks \\--
if not RunService:IsClient() then
error(`Please use require({script:GetFullName()}) in the client`)
if not script:IsDescendantOf(ReplicatedStorage) then
error(`Please put this in {ReplicatedStorage:GetFullName()}, where both the client and the server can access it`)
--// rainbow \\--
local rainbow = {}
rainbow.__index = rainbow
function rainbow.new(item:GuiObject, it:"Border" | "Text" | "Background", cooldown:number?)
local self = setmetatable({}, rainbow)
self.itemType = it
self.item = item
self.isPlaying = false
self.isPaused = false
self.finished = false
self.cooldown = cooldown or 0
return self
function rainbow:Play()
self.isPlaying = true
self.isPaused = false
self.finished = false
RunService:BindToRenderStep("RainbowEffect" ..self.item.Name, 1, function()
local color = Color3.fromHSV((tick() * 4) % 1, 1, 1)
if self.itemType == "Border" then
self.item.BorderColor3 = color
elseif self.itemType == "Text" then
if self.item.ClassName == "TextBox" or "TextButton" or "TextLabel" then
self.item.TextColor3 = color
elseif self.itemType == "Background" then
self.item.BackgroundColor3 = color
function rainbow:Pause()
if self.finished then
self.isPlaying = false
self.isPaused = true
self.finished = false
RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("RainbowEffect" ..self.item.Name)
function rainbow:Stop()
self.isPlaying = false
self.isPaused = false
self.finished = true
RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep("RainbowEffect" ..self.item.Name)
return rainbow
thank you very much, put where people put this module?
do you want to replace the scripts folder or not, then make a script called SocialRainbow.lua
or replace the Scripts
This update improves the resource, thanks to @VSCPlays for the module.
POLL: Did anyone like the new codename?
0 voters
im updating the github page, it will update shortly.
and for the old version it will stay on github, not creator marketplace
You are living in your delusions. Its called constructive criticism.
ok i gonna stop i just updated this resource. if you didn’t like the old one, get the new one.