SocialService.GameInvitePromptClosed documentation page not updated to show it returns a nil value

On the page that documents the GameInvitePromptClosed event, this code

local function invitePromptClosed(senderPlayer, recipientIds)
	-- Handle custom logic for players invited by sender

implies that GameInvitePromptClosed is supposed to return something. However, this has been changed recently.

The page should be updated to show this change.

Edit: Also wanted to add that in the SocialService Game Invite Demo, it has the same problem.


I was going to make a new post about this and saw this one. I spent the past week trying to figure out why whenever I invited someone from my game it always returned an empty table.

Can we please have the wiki updated so that people don’t go through the trouble I just went through, just to find out it was changed over a year ago and only announced on the Devforum and not updated on the wiki?

Sorry for reviving an 11 month old topic, I feel like this is important and needs to be updated on the wiki.


I just spent a ton of time making a UI for this, only to find out that this feature had been disabled. Roblox please, please fix your documentation so noone else wastes their time.


As of July 2022 (almost 2 years later), the wiki page still does not mention that the function returns an empty table. In fact, not even the new site mentions it. Hope someone gets to it. :slightly_frowning_face:

Looks like the page/APIs have been fixed up! Going to close out the thread. Thanks again for the report :slight_smile: