Update Log 3/16/2018
Added safe zone to spawn
Added zones to classrooms that professors can toggle on/off using :setzone command. :setzone 0 makes all spells usable, :setzone 1 makes it a safe zone, :setzone 2 disables all spells in the area.
Changed cave inimicum invisibility time from 180 seconds (at its base level) to 45 seconds (at its base level).
Update Log 3/14/2018
TA+ can use the spells “prandium”, “merenda”, and “cena” to spawn breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the great hall (respectively). They can clear away the tables by using the spell “scourgify”.
A leaderboard has been added to the great hall. It keeps track of who has eaten the most food in the great hall. It’s only for the current server, and it can be cleared if a TA+ clicks on it.
Character health regeneration has been disabled. Now the only way to recover lost health is by eating food or through the use of healing spells.
The max health for all characters has been increased from 100 to 150
Update Log 3/13/2018
Avada Kedavra cooldown increased from 5 seconds to 15 seconds (note that repeated casting of a spell will increase the cooldown time)
Bombarda Maxima cooldown increased from 1 second to 10 seconds (not that repeated casting of a spell made it over 1 second. Now it always takes at least 10 after the first cast).
:m is now a command for Owners+
Added custom chat colors for two new council members (Sherveen and SunriseRuby)
Added signs outside of classrooms to determine if somebody is teaching a class (and if so, who it is). Furthermore, buttons added for professors behind desks to ‘sign in’ and ‘sign out’.
Removed some desks from the potions classroom and replaced them with stone floor pads to stand out while making potions. Also added a shelf that will give cauldrons to players (professors+ can enable/disable).
Added signs in the spawn area pointing players towards where the classrooms are.
Added a lot of custom wands/staffs for council members.
Fixed :viewtime not working when checking the time of other players (why did nobody tell me about it? x_x)
Update Log 3/12/2018
Added the Invisibility Cloak gamepass
Added two new spells to the game (cave inimicum and homenum revelio) that can be found in the map!
Update Log 3/10/2018
Fixed :viewtime command not showing time added in new servers.
Added the new !rank command. It will send a message to Battlemages+, who will verify if you have enough credits and time to rank up.
Update Log 3/3/2018
Fixed webhooks (thanks to Osyris) so you can use !report, !suggest, and etc again. Professors can now view the reports channel too.
Re-added command permissions (professors can use :setmessage again)
Added the spell log commands for professors+. Say “:spells”, “:spelllogs”, “:spellhistory”, or “:spelllog” to access it. Remember you can add ‘true’ at the end, i.e. “:spells true”, to have it autoupdate.
Update Log 2/2/2018 -> 3/3/2018
I was unavailable during this time period. Slixxed/Aresko covered for me and added some new stuff such as unassisted flights, along with fixing some major bugs. Sorry about that.
Update Log 2/2/2018
Fixed spells not disappearing
Added two findable spell books in the map
Gave Chris and Sherveen Staff of Wrath
Changed chairs so you can sit in them
Removed useless parts used for building phases
Lowered classrooms to below the map
Fixed findable spells glitch
Locked SpawnLocation
Added a new message to the notification bot (“Wonder how much time you have in game? Say :viewtime me”)
Council members and above should now have a purple chat
Made arch-mage (and developer) chat color a bit more pink.
Fixed time of day script
Added hidden object in DADA classroom
Made door teleporters larger
Lowered most spell sound’s MaxDistance property (should be less loud)
Update Log 2/1/2018
- Fixed admin permissions for council members+
Update Log 1/27/2018
Added teleporters to the new map
Converted scripts and other stuff to the new map
Re-added teams (in the right order this time)
Named various models/parts
Gave special colored names for certain people
Update Log 1/26/2018
New spell, Bombarda Maxima
Findable spell system. Touch a book and you gain a spell. Current spells that can be found: orchideous and bombarda maxima
Nerfed crucio again, and maybe fixed it
New sounds for bombarda and bombarda maxima
Expulso and confringo have louder sounds
Casting sound a bit quieter.
Players spawn without a visible name (so only the nametag is relevant)
Fixed glitch where players were stuck with no name and couldn’t change it
Fixed depulso glitch
Fixed periculum glitch and update its effect
Give myself a special ‘wand’
Change levicorpus’ effects (which was way more painful then it needed to be)
Added a hitbox for in game, so that spells will probably be more accurate.
Added a basic FAQ to the place description.
Update Log 1/25/2018
Switched from Roblox Physics based weapons to spells that rely on raycasting.
Switched from RemoteFunction to RemoteEvent for firing spells.
Fixed small confringo bug
Nerfed crucio damage and made it last 10 seconds
Update Log 1/21/2018
Orchideous (thanks iiMalx)
Lutick/Antick (thanks MaterialDanom)
Flowers can be set on fire or grown with aguamenti
Professors can use :time without a server script resetting it
Update Log 1/20/2018
Fixed the “!report” and “:viewtime me” commands
Added a “:summonwrath” command for professors and higher
Added a “!suggestion” command for all players
Update Log 1/12/2018
- Fixed a few admin command bugs (:setmessage, :viewtime)
Update Log (Somewhere between 1/12 and 1/20)
Fixed the “:viewtime” command
“:viewtime” now lets you view the time of players not in game (full name only)
Added the “!report” command
Added the “:givespell <spell” command for professors and higher
Added incarcerous
A lot of stuff I never recorded and can’t remember what they were exactly
Update Log 1/6/2017
Added spells alohomora and its opposite colloportus
Added spell ebublio
Added spell aparecium
Bombarda is now a smaller explosion for all wands
Added liberacorpus, expelliarmus, alohomora, aparecium, and collportus to training spells
Confringo and expulso created
Expelliarmus now temporary removes tool from player, before giving it back
Students that are 2nd year or higher AND have the wand gamepass will have 10% more damage and 25% more defense
Training wands added and have 50% slower cooldowns, 20% less damage, and 25% less penetration
Aguamenti now puts out fire and incendio brings the fire back
Various tweaks and changes
Update Log 1/1/2018
- Released!