What is the best way to make soft shadows for GUIs, specifically for frames?
I’ve found a plugin called “Drop Shadow” but it apparently doesn’t work with Rounded GUIs.
What is the best way to make soft shadows for GUIs, specifically for frames?
I’ve found a plugin called “Drop Shadow” but it apparently doesn’t work with Rounded GUIs.
Upload a white circle, then slice it with SliceType.
Thanks, but that’s not really a shadow…
That’s what I want:
You use that image to make it rounded, then add the drop shadow to it.
If you want to know how to do it then I can tell you how to in the replies.
Yes, please, if possible
I already made some shadow with SliceCenter, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way.
We can discuss this in DM’s so we dont cause clutter.
Kinda late, but what I meant to say was you go to Photoshop, or an editing app, make a white circle, add gaussian blur (or general blur) then upload it as a Decal. The shadow is from a blur. Reason you make it white is that you can change it to any color you want.
Thank you.
I already did something similar, but without the white circle, but only a shadow and I put it behind a frame with UICorner