Softdevv's Portfolio | Simple Logos ( mostly text )

Hey guys, I’m softdevv. I’ve made a few logos and icons for games. Pretty new to be honest. Here are some examples of my work:



  • Please be aware that I may use images from Google images and many other websites. I always make sure to never use images which may cause copyright issues. If you have any websites or images you don’t want me to use. Please tell me.
  • I use quite a bit of drop shadows.


  • Robux per icon is preferred.
  • 350 - 600 Robux per icon depending on quality and effort. (Must be payed despite Roblox marketplace fee).
  • Group payouts is preferred.
  • I will only send you the full HD image of the logo once I have recieved payment.


  • Discord : joshiejosh_s#2278

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