So I’ve made a raycasting system for my laser guns. I’ve recently inserted a ray-reflection system at end of the function.
Raycasting + server’s visualize:
local RStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage
function castRay(plr: Player, origin: Vector3, dirRaw: CFrame, rFilters: {Instances}, laserProps: {}, canBackfire: boolean)
local cosmets = laserProps["cosmetics"]
local dmeter = cosmets["dmeter"]
local direction = dirRaw.LookVector
direction *= laserProps["range"]
local rParams = RaycastParams.new()
rParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
rParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = rFilters
rParams.IgnoreWater = true
local hitReflect = false
local rResult = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rParams)
local rayDist
if rResult then
rayDist = rResult.Distance
local hit = rResult.Instance
if hit:GetAttribute("Reflective") then
hitReflect = true
searchHumanoidHP(plr, hit, laserProps, true)
cosmets["rayLength"] = rayDist
------\\ SERVER VISUALIZATION \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local beam = RStorage["LaserBeam"]:Clone()
if rayDist then beam.Size = Vector3.new(dmeter, dmeter, rayDist)
else beam.Size = Vector3.new(dmeter, dmeter, cosmets.rayLength) end
if rayDist then beam.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(origin, origin + direction) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -rayDist/2)
else beam.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(origin, origin + direction) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -beam.Size.Z/2) end
beam.Parent = workspace.MouseIgnore
Debris:AddItem(beam, 5)
------\\ SERVER TO CLIENT \\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RStorage.BeamReplicate:FireAllClients(dirRaw, cosmets) -- Send to client to replicate.
-------\\ RAY REFLECTION \\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if hitReflect == true then
laserProps["range"] -= rayDist
if laserProps["range"] <= 0 then return end
cosmets["rayLength"] = laserProps["range"]
-- Formula: r = d - 2(d ⋅ n)n
-- Code: r = d - (2 * d:Dot(n) * n)
local newOrigin = rResult.Position
local rNormal = rResult.Normal
local reflectNormal = direction - (2 * direction:Dot(rNormal) * rNormal)
local reflectCF = CFrame.lookAt(newOrigin, rResult.Position + reflectNormal)
castRay(plr, newOrigin, reflectCF, {}, laserProps, true)
The ray-reflection only applies if the hit part has the attribute "Reflective"
, and will recall the function over and over again to reflect as long as it has the said attribute.
Client’s visualization:
RStorage.BeamReplicate.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(cF, cosmets)
local dmeter = cosmets["dmeter"]
local rayLength = cosmets["rayLength"]
local laser = RStorage["LaserBeam"]:Clone()
laser.Size = Vector3.new(dmeter, dmeter, rayLength)
laser.CFrame = cF * CFrame.new(0, 0, -rayLength/2)
laser.Parent = workspace.MouseIgnore
Debris:AddItem(laser, 0.5)
thread and client’s version is not far so different.
The main issue here is with visualizing the raycast when it reflects. I use this part called “LaserBeam” from the ReplicatedStorage. The Z-axis of the size is derived from the rayDist
, if not, then the rayLength
There are 3 variables that are used for the Z-axis:
→ Basically max distance of the laser/raycast. -
→ The one used for the client-sided visualization. -
→ Derived fromrResult
Here is a drawing of the visualization results:
Hitting more Attribute"Reflective"
The LaserBeam(s) seems to position their start point on their previous hit position, but their size seems to exceed the rayDist
And lasst problem here is, I’ve messed tzoo much with positioning these lines of codes and my brain is having a blackout.
Feedbacks are wanted. Ask me if there’s some I did not explain.
Here’s the reflection formula I got from:
Thank you for reading