Solara injection detection ( INSTANT ) ( PATCHED )

Hello everyone, I return after my long break of trolling solara users. today I bring you a lovely instant detection so please don’t abuse it guys be nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

local success, result = pcall(function()
if result ~= "The current thread cannot call 'SaveScriptProfilingData' (lacking capability RobloxScript)" then
	game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:Kick("Solara detected!") -- or other punishment such as ban

bye guys!!!


Thi sCa n Be byapsed .By disablerado localscript. Ez


You will get kicked faster than you can do so

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Why are you typing like that? It is hard to read and I can hardly tell what you are trying to say.


to indicate that what he said was sarcasm


arent pcalls supposed to be returned like this?

local success, result = pcall(function()
	return game:GetService("ScriptProfilerService"):SaveScriptProfilingData();
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I’m assuming that if the exploit is attached, the error is different… or perhaps there is no error when injected and the method works. A return isn’t necessary!


Im pretty sure solara is a malware so if ur script doesnt kill the hackers the virus will


No because the function I call is intended to error as normal localscripts do not have the required capabilities to access it thus pcall will return the error and I simple compare the error to the expected one


there are many methods to detect solara, solara sometimes adds something into the game via and that can be detected using DescendantAdded or ChildAdded


no, it isnt. solara wasnt a malware. but the user’s script does. solara doesnt have enviroment protection so lua scripts (that was executed by solara) can access the files from your computer.

what happens if the client need to tell whether or not an instance was added by the server or the client itself?

simple, you check if the thing that was added can be added with a local script
solara adds stuff that a local script cant into the game.

so do I have to write a function that fires a remote event to the server to check whether the part/instance is actually in the server?

I would’ve used the Irony punctuation to indicate sarcasm
+ Leaking detection methods will most probably be quickly patched

This will probably be quickly patched yeah but it doesn’t really matter anymore, because every cheat that’s publicly on the market is detected and are all being regularly throwing into banwaves. Releasing this just makes it so developers who want a lot less cheaters in their game can have that.

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You can instead attempt to call game:GetService("HttpRbxApiService"):GetAsyncFullUrl() to detect other executors such as Arceus X, Wave, Codex, the entirety of mobile executors, and more! This is due to them hooking the Roblox Lua environment (which affects LocalScripts) and preventing this function from being called for security purposes in their executor, and they replace the error that it normally throws.


is it just me or is Solara much easier to detect than Synapse?

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isnt synapse taken down by byfron? how did you get synapse?

also regarding to your question:

i agree that solara is “much easier to detect”. but when you compare it to synapse, synapse are just for old roblox client that didn’t have much security put in place.

the reason is because solara is using a bypassing method, and synapse just attach with the roblox process easily because the old roblox client doesn’t have byfron back then.

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synapse was not “taken down” as such but rather got bought by roblox to help contribute towards roblox’s security.