Solid Ambitions - Ranks and Rank-Ups Guide.
This guide will aim to explain the various 20 ranks within Solid Ambitions, and how users can rank up within our wonderful community!
Please note that this guide serves as an outline. Meeting these requirements means you could be possibly eligible, but there is no guarantee of your rank, as there are a ton of other things to take into consideration when ranking users up. Again, to reiterate, this guide is just to detail what are the minimum expectations/significance of each rank. Meeting the requirements for the next rank is no way a guarantee of being ranked up.
How Rank-Ups Are Done.
After reviewing each user specifically, Moderators + decide what your rank is.
Rank-ups are done either by Shilu and I, or any other Moderator/Head Moderator +.
Instantly assigned
**Pending Approval:heavy_check_mark: **
To filter out bots/users with malicious intent. Users who join this are instantly awarded this rank. Moderators go and verify each person before admission. You cannot comment on the group wall. Please also note that this role is also for suspended users. Your rank up from ‘Pending Approval’ to a ‘Newcomer’ should take 1-12 hours.
Legitimate users that have no malicious intent are instantly awarded this role by Moderators +. You can now contribute to the wall and discussions positively.
Actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s for at least a week
This rank can be awarded for users who bring other users into the group, or it can be awarded as the next rank for a Solid Ambitions user. To earn this, you must actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s.
✧Rising Talent
To earn this, you must actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s. MORE INFO TO COME…
✧Next Generation
To earn this, you must actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s. MORE INFO TO COME…
✧Ambitious Person
To earn this, you must actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s. MORE INFO TO COME…
✦Complete Ambitious Person
To earn this, you must actively and positively participate in discussions and answer QOTD’s. MORE INFO TO COME…
The highest rank a Solid Ambitions user can attain.
This user has demonstrated that they are trustworthy and can be a good friend. They also have demonstrated exemplary devotion to Solid Ambitions, as they have been a part of Solid Ambitions for a long, long time, and also have contributed massively to the group, by aiding users in need, answering questions, contributing to daily discussions, and being a great person in general.
You can only achieve this rank if you are a clothing designer for Solid Ambitions! Thank you designers for designing your wonderful shirts and pants!
You can only achieve this rank if you are a builder for Solid Ambitions! Thank you builders for designing and creating the AMAZING hangout, and the future in development games from Solid Ambitions!
You can only achieve this rank if you are a scripter for Solid Ambitions! Thank you scripters for scripting the BEAUTIFUL hangout, and for the future in development games from Solid Ambitions!
✦Trial Moderator
Users who have been in Solid Ambitions for a long, long time, and have achieved certain requirements can apply for this position, if, and only if, applications are open. You can still apply if you are not from Solid Ambitions.
Users who have passed their trials as Moderators have now achieved this rank.
✦Head Moderator
Moderators who have shown exceptional skills in Moderation, and seen as a good figure. This is unconfirmed.
✶The Board
Unknown, possibly retired Head Moderators, or exceptional Head Moderators achieve this rank, to further help develop Solid Ambitions in various aspects… Currently no user has this rank.
Unobtainable rank, can only be achieved if you are Eveylia, a founder of Solid Ambitions
Unobtainable rank, can only be achieved if you are TastyCreamPie, a founder of Solid Ambitions
✶Average Person✶ xD
Unobtainable rank, can only be achieved if you are Destiny300, a founder of Solid Ambitions