Solo-dev ambitious 2-year project, now released

Ok so this is sweet, I grind Horrific housing so this is epic, saw you reek havoc on the server which was fun.

one suggestion: i have no suggestions

I plan on releasing this on the 18th of February. Any more feedback is very much appreciated! Just ran some ads and posted a few videos on media, definitely doing better than before. Thanks!

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This project is probably one of the most amazing projects Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s an extremely polished game that was made as your first project, and where most would not have the motivation to finish it, you just kept going until it was finished, and for that I applaud you.

Now as for the game, the UIā€™s are simply amazing. Lots of games neglect their interfaces, but itā€™s very clear just how much effort was put into them. The map, which might look simple at first glance, is actually extremely well made and itā€™s very clear what kind of theme the game is trying to go for. The gameplay is also just as incredible, each event is very well made and works to make a very fun experience, that combined with the many different maps and gamemodes that all play different, makes for a very enjoyable gameplay experience which never gets old.

This is perhaps one the best new games out there, and itā€™s only a matter of time until it gets popular. Also, this game surprisingly does NOT have many micro-transactions, and even then itā€™s not hard to grind to get any of the current chests in game. Anyways, all in all, this game is extremely amazing and one of the best games I have played in recent memory and I recommend anyone to give it a try even if it doesnā€™t seem like your cup of tea, simply because of how well polished and how fun it is to play, 11/10!!!


really cool game keep up the good work

At first I was wondering what took 2 yearsā€¦ then I realized: 100 events, stunning building and one heck of a beath-taking interface that all go together so so well! Not to mention beautiful VFX of which I am very jealous considering how I was never that particularly good at them in regards to how important they are to setting the atmosphere of a game.

I sincerely hope that this project gives you the fame and revenue you deserve! Good luck with promoting it!

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I released this a week ago, and now I am regularly releasing updates. Insane how quick time has gone by. Thank you everybody for the kind words.


Looks good ā€¦ Donā€™t understand why games would use the older body style but other than that it looks great.

gaem is very nice and clean. overall a very fun artstyl and is very playful. i love this game and look forward to updates.

For both stylistic and functional reasons. R15 doesnā€™t look good in my game, and it has a ton of collision kinks. Iā€™ve also found that it is easier to make animations

I also think the animations look better overall, a great example is the taunts in nicos nextbots. The characters are R6 but have some pretty sweet animations.

I played this game a few days ago, for about 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were a very enjoyable experience, and somewhat nostalgic.

To think this was a solo project blows my mind - it is incredible!

Personally, you have achieved something I used to dream about, that being making a full working, polished game on your own.

Keep up the amazing developing!


Weā€™ve played this for at least an hour the past couple of days and it has been awesome fun. Congrats on a game that has great unpredictability, stunning lobby design, catchy music, spectacular particle effects. Whats not to love about this game. Thanks

Iā€™ve reached 16k visits on this game. Insane growth as of late- thank you everyone for feedback, I always appreciate your help.

Does anybody have any good advertising tips? Iā€™ll appreciate any!


This project deserves way more recognition, you did an amazing job

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Lab Experiment isnā€™t really a competitor ā€” the games are different in a lot of ways. Itā€™s been a humbling experience and I canā€™t say enough how insane it has been. Hope it could last as long as possible


Hey @dukzae I saw this and commented on this post in February I have been really enjoying the game since yesterday and I have been playing it for like 3-4 hours since it is extremely and overall fun.

Also, I think I found a bug I joined a 49 people server, and the news section wouldnā€™t load for some reason.

External Media

When I started playing this, it averaged around 5-10 concurrent players during Beta.
Holy cow, it has 2.1k concurrent players now.

Took me a while to find this post again, but I found it by searching your username.

Front page game material.


W game, played it when it was in beta and only like 4 people playing now it has 1 million visits and 800 people playing rn

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This game is awesome!

Iā€™ve played it for a long time, and Iā€™m kind of addicted to it.
The music, the UI and Events are perfect!

I canā€™t image doing all of that by yourself!
Keep up the work!

Thank you!

It indeed was a lot of work but it was worth it in the end to create such a kind community and meet tons of cool people :slight_smile: