I’ve been trying to look for a solution, and maybe didn’t search up the right wording. But basically lets say an exploiter wants to “move” enemy players on their screen to them to hit them. Obviously it doesnt actually move the enemy players on the server side, but however, my hitboxes still hit them regardless of if they’re moved on client or server side. My hitboxes are also on server side, so I find it odd. Any idea? If not, any ideas to work around it?
don’t handle hitbox checks on the client, do it in the server
Like I said, hitboxes are on the SERVER side. Hitboxes spawn, check and work on the server side. so I’m trying to work around it. I’ve tried network ownership and it solved it, but network ownership makes the player lag super bad, but appear smooth on other screens. So I’m researching other solutions for now.
got a video of the “player lagging super bad” when setting network ownership to nil?
1st side = Exploiter Side, 2nd side = normal player. From what I assume in the video, with networkownership, it makes the player who is attacking, lag their character and causes them to teleport. So when the Exploiter attacks, their character starts to teleport randomly. Meanwhile, yes networkownership does helpout the exploiting with hitboxes, which doesnt allow the exploiter to hit the enemy player in an EXPLOITER Only view, it causes that.
are you setting networkownership to nil
fixed the video, and yes I am. Using gyazo it’s kind of hard to tell since gyazo isn’t 100% frame rate, but it does tp the character a short distance.