Your a wizzard @emblazes I got it done : D. Your a life saver! Why didn’t I found you 3 painful days ago? Also for the studio. Yea that doesn’t work for studio. Do I have to repeat this for studio?
Only this happens after running studio
(Yes I ran as admin)
So studio ran after 5-10 minutes or so. But still!
Yes, I know, I’m really late and you probably have solved this issue already.
The solution you might be looking for is to do step 1 and instead of going to a version folder, you launch the RobloxStudioLauncherBeta inside the folder.
idk if im doing anything wrong, but when i try step 4, the exact issue about the installer happens again…
(also i dont have the robloxplayerbeta file on step 6)
nvm i just tried to install roblox again and it worked