solution was found, fixed everything
You should use a plugin. Moon Animator is a good plugin for welding (with Easy Weld) so is RigEdit Lite. I’m pretty sure there are more plugins that does the thing but these 2, in my opinion, is recommended for you.
You can add a Motor6D, WHILE the objects stays in place.
No no, I think you misunderstood me. Currently Im scripting a gun system. Since the part is obviously not welded instantly, I have to create new welds every time its equipped. My question was, if cloning Motor6D’s with a script was a bad practice and instead I should find a different solution.
Oh. Sorry. I thought you are adding a new Motor6D. Did you mean to try duplicating your Motor6Ds?
Yes, that. I tried duplicating the same motor6D from the torso to the characters torso to weld the gun and it worked, but thinking about it, it sounds like a bad practice.
There’s no problem on doing that, just make sure you set your properties correctly, and make sure you set a parent since cloning sets that to nil
, and everything should be good.